In my mind, every action has a reaction and in reverse every
reaction is caused by an action. So, if the action is the input and reaction is
the output, what are the inputs that cause negative outputs? It is easier for
me to accept negative outputs if I understand all the inputs, but that’s not
always the case, especially in fishing. In my mind, outputs are only two; I
catch fish or I don’t catch fish – plain and simple. On the other hand, inputs
are massive; water, weather, location, bait, rigs, and many, many more. So how
I can accept the negative output if there is so many input variables to
consider? Call me nuts, but I just can’t.
My personality, who I am pushes me to keep trying day after
day in result to get better and better. Many times I heard, failure is not an
option, no pain no gain – all these are great motivational sayings, but I
always have to keep the reality in mind. The reality is this; with so many
different inputs, I am not be able to control them all no matter how hard I try
or what I do. For example, weather – there is nothing I can do about it;
temperature – nothing I can do; water conditions – again, nothing I can do. Some
of the other variables, on the other hand, I can change. I can change the bait,
rigs, location, how I fish and where I fish. This, should be my focus and I
know it, but how I can focus on these if others are just beyond my reach. Serenity
prayer comes to my mind every time I think about that;
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change….”
Being great, being the best is extremely hard and takes an enormous
time and effort, but what is life without ambitious goals and dreams – is empty.
I have two main goals in life; being the best family man I can be and being the
best at what I do (no matter what that is), in this case is fishing. I am not
asking for too much, am I? Pushing myself beyond the comfort zone, striving for
perfection, what’s wrong with that? I know many people that told me; “You are
nuts” or “Why do you need to analyze everything?” I am who I am and I know I
will continue to do that for years to come. The insane part, is the fact that I
actually enjoy it. I have fun fishing and I truly enjoy it. I have fun
analyzing my sessions and I enjoy it. Blanking out will happen, I can’t foresee
when and where but I know it will and I will analyze it over and over again.
I am who I am now, but whom I will become?
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